2016_09_01_01 - XLinguae

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Terminology and Concepts of Immigration Policy in Europe and in France
[Terminologie a koncepty imigracni politiky v Evrope a ve Francii]
Katerina Dvorakova

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2016.09.01.2-23

Public debate in various media on a highly topical theme of immigration shows a semantic imprecision that surrounds issues related to migration. The aim of this paper is first to introduce notions related to different statutes of migrants, asylum application in France and types of migration. Then we present main measures in European and French immigration policies and concepts defining the relationship between the migrant and the receiving country (assimilation - insertion - intégration) in their historical development. Immigration focused French – Czech vocabulary list is attached to the text.

Key words 
immigration, asylum, integration, France, European union

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