2017_10_01_09 - XLinguae

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Dependence of pragmatically implied meaning on aspectual-temporal semantics (based on the English and Russian language material)
Alsu N. Makhmutova – Gulnara F. Lutfullina

DOI: 10.18355/XL.2017.10.01.09

The article is devoted to implied temporal meaning, which are pragmatically realized in the Russian language. Russian future perfect and English Future Perfect have aspectual meaning of entirety. That is why these tenses imply a pragmatic interest in the after-action or the potential referential meaning of Tunc precedence. Russian Future Imperfect and English Future Continuous have aspectual meaning of the processiveness, which determines interest to previous situation and pragmatically implied meaning Tunc sequence. However, in the English language due to pragmatic factors of language means economy this sense is not expressed. Future Indefinite does not differentiate these meanings and does not imply any pragmatic meanings.

Key words: language, text, speaker, tense, aspect, pragmatic meaning, student

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