2018_11_01_27 - XLinguae

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Kierkegaard's understanding of man and society
[Kierkegaardovo vnimanie cloveka a spolocnosti]
Martina Pavlikova
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.01.27
Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) was known for his philosophical and theological approach to the individual, and their relationship to God and to others. In his writings, Kierkegaard analyzed the problems of society and of the private individual (values, loss of subjectivity, the impact of journalism, and the decline of the church). In the following study, we analyze the works of Kierkegaard, who focused on the subjectivity, and the individual and inner dimensions of man–on his religious and private values–in a way that reflects man’s aesthetic, ethical, and religious frameworks of value. He critically responded to the social problems that arose during his life–problems which related to the state, the church, and tabloid journalism. This study analyzes not only Kierkegaard's interpretation of man but also points to the loss of man’s values and highlights the importance of Christianity for man. The paper also analyzes the danger of the tabloid press.

Key words: value, single individual, society, public

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