2018_11_03_06 - XLinguae

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New social reality in the context of information and communication technologies
Aleksandr G. Tyurikov – Nikolay N. Kosarenko – Tatiana B. Gvozdeva – Marianna V. Voronina – Elena Ye. Grishnova – Natalya A. Solovyeva
DOI: 10.18355/XL.2018.11.03.06
The paper discussed challenges of the rapidly developing, advancing and updating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) from the point of view of social philosophy. Information and communication technology implies unique knowledge, methodologies, models, and problems that are not easily addressed by the existing Russian sociologists and philosophers, and hence there is a need to study one of the challenges as a subject. Advances in Information and Communication Technology and its accompanying impacts on the society development have led researchers to consider the social and philosophical interpretation of the problem concerning the development of new social reality in the context of information and communication technologies.  The study has been based on the methodological principles of social philosophy, transdisciplinary research strategy, the concept of neuromarketing, the concept of neurosociology, and the concept of social reality simulation. The authors considered the problem as a current critical turning point of the history on the basis of interdisciplinary, global approach used to understand the processes penetrating into almost all spheres of life and life support systems and into the development of new institutions related to human development innovations. The survey resulted in the developing a theoretical model to study the role of dynamically developing information and communication technologies in new social reality. Materials of the article confirm the main knowledge increment obtained while studying the challenges is concerned with the role of information and communication technologies in creating and constructing new social reality. 

Key words: new social reality, information, and communication technologies (ICTs), youth, globalization, Internet

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